Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mid Night Express

The poor husband. Yes, a rare moment of sympathy towards the opponent. I feel he must have to deal with much ever since we combined our worlds. For one, the endless overdose of what to eat and what not to eat. How to eat it. When to eat it and what the thousand possible reasons for the red blimp on the back of his ear may be. And this is just one aspect.
On an another note, since i've discovered this new found connection between the mind, body and food, this definitely is the latest topic of discussion whether or not he likes it. He likes it. Most of the times.
So here's something that struck my synapses yesterday. And please people, please do share your thoughts and back me up or boot me down on this one.
I felt the need to express everything that i had been reading and learning in the past couple of days about being a staunch vegetarian and felt the need to express it all in the middle of the night. When the husband seemed unenthusiastic about listening attentively, i snapped at him for being too selfish. Of course, once the coffee was in my hand the next morning, it was only too obvious who the selfish one really was.
Do you get irritable often? Do you snap often? Do you feel the urge to express rage? Observe. See if this is something that happens to you and keep a track of how often it happens. We've not had the sun for almost 10 days where i live. It has been cold, wet and grey for a long time now. I've found my self terribly irritable and sad. Not the usual foolishly optimistic and happy self that i am. The one horrible thing lack of sunshine does to the body is lowers levels of Vitamin D. And what could this possibly do? Iv'e been researching and apparently there is a direct link between low levels of Vitamin D and unstable emotions.
See, when your Vitamin D drops, it effects calcium and magnesium levels in body as well. A combination of these 3 dropping, effects neurological health, in that, it is more conducive to depression, anxiety, irritability and anger. Everything but a feeling of peace and contentment. Some people also start to breathe poorly because of the heightened levels of suppressed anxiety.
What is the cure? Nothing like a few minutes of the early morning sunshine. The first few rays of the sun that say hello hello. It is not only your daily quota for vitamin D, but also a great cure for skin, hair, bone and eye problems.
If sunny boy's on vacation and if you're vegetarian, then fortified juices and cereals seem to be it, but if you eat flesh, then you can get it from a number of meats. A whole egg to start with.
So the next time you feel that a drama queen has possessed your otherwise cool and calm persona, check your sunshine vitamin. And spare the husband. 


  1. Nice Diya.. you write really well.. am waiting to read your book!!! :)

  2. Thanks Rohit! Guess we're forming a mutual admiration society here :o)
