Monday, October 29, 2012

I grew up in a quintessentially middle class household. 
Being very modern in her upbringing, my mother tried very hard to learn, experiment and teach us the roots of our culture, lest we grow up without a social identity. 
Sindhianism. The kind that know bits and pieces of being Sindhi without having to practice teejri, worship jhulelal or tork tooh dadhee in Sindhee.
The one thing Sindhianism helped our household with was the lavish use of spinach in the traditional Sindhi dishes- Sai Bhaji, Sayel Palak, Daal Palak, Doodi Palak etc.
Spinach was very affordable, gave a beautiful emerald color to your dish and excellent nutritively or as mumma said- "It's good for your insides."
Except, there was one problem. The spinach was cooked and cooked and cooked to an extent it could have been mistaken for grass and no one would be able to tell the difference.
Today, after having studied nutrition, i can tell you one or two very important things about spinach.
Here goes:
1. Spinach is best had in the form of salad or juiced to optimize nutrient absorption.
2. Once juiced, it must be consumed almost immediately.
3. Spinach accompanied with vitamin c- lemon juice, tomatoes, orange juice etc, the iron in spinach is better absorbed.
4. Menstruating women should have a glass of spinach juice every day while in cycle.
5. You absolutely must wash spinach well, else you'll ingest a lot of mud.
6. Spinach when cooked beyond 30 SECONDS, looses 85% of its nutrient value.
7. If your child or anyone has suffered a bout of jaundice, give them spinach juice everyday.
8. Spinach has a very poor shelf life. Hence, you must consume it as soon as fresh.

Go ahead, try your (pa) luck! 

xxx- Wellness Woman! 

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